Hardware as a service for your short term infrastructure needs. 

Rental Solutions

Balata Data strives to provide reliable, high-quality IT hardware solutions to business of all sizes, with a focus on superior customer service and flexible rental options.  

Balata Rental Solutions are the right choice for short term hardware neeeds from 1 month to 12 months.  We strive to be the go-to resource for companies that need hardware as a service for peak seasons, mitigate supply chain issues, proof of concepts, or benchmarking.  Balta makes the process of renting and installing hardware as smooth and hassle-free as possible.  



Our Balata Leasing program is a good fit for customers with good credit that would like to move their IT projects from CAPEX to OPEX. Leasing options range from 1-3 year options and help to provide a flexible solution to free up your company’s cash flow and reduce depreciation risk.

Balata offers two types of leasing options an FMV and a one-dollar buyout lease.

FMV Lease (rental lease) –

This offers the lowest monthly payment. At the end of your 1-3 year term, you have the option to purchase the equipment. This will provide the lowest upfront cost and reduce your total cost of ownership. An FMV lease can help to simplify your budget while you conserve your cash flow.

One Dollar Buyout –
In a one dollar buyout lease, the customer would own the equipment at the end of the term. This option has a lower upfront cost and reduces your total cost of ownership while allowing you to own the equipment through an OPEX model.


    is Our Mission

    From recycling, preserving assets, redeployments, refurbishing, to carbon neutrality. Staying environmentally consciousness & compliant in everything we do. Balata is committed to doing its part.

    Contact us now and you will hear from a Balata Team Member right away.

    Serving & Supporting Industry Leading OEMS